Monday, January 7, 2013

Oh, hello there.

Resolutions for the new year have never been something that I have been too interested in accomplishing. It isn't that I don't believe in the power of change and growth, in fact they are two of my favorite aspects of life. Rather, I feel that forcing change only leads to failure. I speak for myself on this topic, as I know others are able to make a resolution or goal and stick with it whenever they set their mind to it.

That said, one of my only resolutions for 2013 was to begin a blog. Now, I have attempted this goal many times in the past. I am of the LiveJournal generation, so I had personal blogs since 2002 (or so) that centered around my own ego and my adolescent thoughts. As an adult, or whatever it is I am in my  mid-20's, I feel that I should have a blog for my writing.

I know, this all sounds very fascinating and I'm sure anyone reading this is overjoyed at my decision. I swear, there's a point to all of this. Actually, maybe there isn't a point... and maybe I should not have admitted that halfway through the post... either way, there will or won't be a point, I swear!

I am a writer, but I don't have much to show for it yet. I have never been published in any major publications, nor have I actually tried to become published in any of said forums. I do work as a content writer but that's more for the meager money I can get from it. I don't actually have my name attached to any of the content I write (which is, of course, the nature of that beast). There have also been various pieces I've published in school/college magazines and I've self-published a book with two friends. All of this has been nice, but they are small potatoes in the grander scheme. As a side note, I don't mind eating small potatoes. Seriously, a potato is a potato, add a little sour cream and you're ready to go. No chives though. I hate chives.

To get back on track: I decided to begin this blog. We are now a week into the new year and I feel that it is the correct time to let loose in a public forum. Cue dramatic sting.

My hope in beginning this blog is to create a presence for myself as a writer. I don't have much interest in blogging, but the age that we live in dictates that in order for me to be a writer I must undertake certain electronic endeavors.

Bear with me, any who may be reading this, as I struggle to find my ground and my voice. There's a good chance that this will be a whole lot of nonsense, ramblings and mixed thoughts until I find my stride. Those of you, if any, who are reading know that my mind is a confused and strange place and it reflects in my work.

And so we begin. I appreciate anyone taking the time to read this, and any feedback is more than welcome. I hope to make you laugh, think, roll your eyes, tear up a little bit... maybe even get mad. That is my goal as a writer... to illicit a reaction from my audience. Whether or not that reaction is a positive one is something we will all have to wait and see...

Hey, this is me at a recent holiday party. Quitting smoking was a resolution for a bit... but I need time with that one. The photo belongs to my dear friend Francina Jerez.


  1. Wonderful! Welcome to the pressures of online presence! Stupid blogs are a must along with a TWITTER following!
